Four Ways Freelancers and Gig Workers Can Trim Their Tax Bills

Four Ways Freelancers and Gig Workers Can Trim Their Tax Bills

It is hard to beat the freedom and flexibility of freelancing and gig work. When you work for yourself, you can set your own hours, turn your home into an office and even ditch the daily commute.

All that is great, but there is one thing about freelancing that is much less pleasant. Compared to their corporate counterparts, self-employed individuals face an additional tax burden, an expense that takes many of them by surprise.

Note: If you end up falling behind on your taxes and the IRS or state claim you owe $10,000 or more, reach out to our tax resolution firm and we’ll schedule a free, no-obligation confidential consultation.

If you love the freedom of gig work but not the big tax bill, you need to think ahead. A little proactive planning can go a long way, so you can keep more of your hard-earned money in your pocket. Here are four smart strategies you can use to trim your tax liability and get more out of your freelancing and gig work.

#1. Fund a Health Savings Account

If you work for someone else, there is a good chance your boss picks up part of your health insurance costs, but freelancers and gig workers do not have that luxury. These self-employed individuals face additional challenges when it comes to health care, seeking affordable policies on the open market, and saving money where they can.

One way the self-employed can save money and trim their tax bills is with a health savings account. Eligible individuals can contribute to a health savings account on a pre-tax basis, taking a serious tax deduction while making their health care more affordable. This tax savings can be a very big deal.

#2. Contribute to a Retirement Fund for the Self-Employed

Freelancers and gig workers need to look out for their own retirement, but there are plenty of options available. The annual contribution limits on retirement plans for the self-employed are among the most generous around, so you may be able to shelter a significant portion of your earnings from the tax man.

If you have a tax ID for your freelance business, you may be able to contribute to a solo 401(k). This plan works much the same as a traditional 401(k) plan, but the contribution limits could be even higher. Even if you do not have a tax ID, you can shelter part of your freelance or gig work income with a SEP-IRA or similar retirement plan.

#3. Take the Home Office Deduction

If you work out of your home, taking the home office deduction could save you a lot of money. If you are eligible for this valuable deduction, you could write off a portion of your property taxes and other home ownership costs, reducing your tax bill and keeping more money in your pocket.

There are specific rules regarding the home office deduction, so check with your tax preparer to make sure you qualify. If you can take the deduction, be sure to keep accurate records, and take photos of the office in your home.

#4. Push Income Into the Next Year

Freelance income can be notoriously unpredictable. One month is great, while the next is terrible. Yearly earnings can be just as variable, making tax planning difficult.

If you are having a particularly good year, you may be able to reduce your current tax bill by pushing some of that income into the following 12 months. When the end of the year approaches, delaying client invoices and moving income into the next year could save you money in the long run.

Once again, it is important to consult a tax professional before implementing this strategy. The IRS has established strict rules concerning income reporting, and you do not want to run afoul of the tax agency.

As a self-employed individual, you face some serious tax challenges, including the dreaded self-employment tax. That higher tax burden makes smart planning essential, and you can start that planning with the four tips listed above.

Owe Back Taxes and Need Tax Relief?

If you want an expert tax resolution specialist who knows how to navigate the IRS maze, reach out to our firm and we’ll schedule a no-obligation confidential consultation to explain your options to permanently resolve your tax problem. 

Operation Hidden Treasure- Cryptocurrency And Your Taxes

Operation Hidden Treasure: Cryptocurrency And Your Taxes

Cryptocurrency has become an incredibly popular way to invest, but the tax side of this virtual coin can be difficult to navigate. The IRS has gone back and forth over the years on its stance on cryptocurrency, making it confusing even for the most diligent investors.

In March of 2021, the IRS announced Operation Hidden Treasure in order to crack down on cryptocurrency reporting. If you've bought and/or sold cryptocurrency recently, it's important to declare your crypto correctly on your tax forms in order to avoid fraud and evasion charges.

Here's what you need to know.

Before we jump into it, if you know you owe IRS back taxes on your crypto gains, it's important to reach out to a tax resolution firm like ours that is skilled in negotiating back tax debt with the IRS. We can help you file amended returns and get you back in compliance, while potentially negotiating with the IRS on your behalf. Contact us today for a consultation. 

What Is Operation Hidden Treasure?

Operation Hidden Treasure is a joint effort by the IRS Civil Office of Fraud Enforcement and its Criminal Investigation Unit. This operation is designed to search for unreported income from cryptocurrency.

Operation Hidden Treasure has trained agents to examine the blockchain in order to find signs of tax evasion. Blockchain is the digital ledger that tracks your cryptocurrency mining and transactions. The signs that IRS agents look for are marked as signatures that make it easier to detect further fraudulent activity.

Crypto users have found ways to skirt reporting requirements by sending multiple transactions under a certain dollar amount or pouring their virtual currency into shell corporations, different countries, and cold storage. The IRS is also collaborating with European law enforcement agencies to tackle international fraud.

How To Protect Your Assets

The IRS considers virtual currency to be property akin to gold, rather than money and is taxed accordingly. If your only crypto transaction this year was purchasing crypto with US dollars, then that does not need to be reported, according to the IRS FAQ on their website. However, if you sold your crypto or you traded your crypto for any goods or services, then that does need to be reported.

When you sell your crypto, keep track of its value when you purchased it, and its value when you sold it. While crypto and the IRS can both be murky subjects, your transparency is the key to protecting your financial assets from future tax audits.

To get ready for the upcoming tax season, it's important to get your portfolio organized. If you have bought, sold, or traded crypto in the past year, contact a tax lawyer or a tax resolution firm like ours for advice on how to report your cryptocurrency transactions.

Need Tax Relief?

If you do get in trouble with the IRS and they claim you owe $10,000 or more, reach out to our tax resolution firm and we’ll schedule a free, no-obligation confidential consultation to explain your options in full to permanently resolve your tax problem.

8 Ways to Get Ready for Tax Season

8 Ways to Get Ready for Tax Season and Avoid a Back Tax Problem

The holidays are here. Not to be a grinch but right around the corner is a less fondly anticipated time of year. Before you know it, you will be taking down the Christmas tree, pulling down the holiday lights, and getting ready for the tax season to come.

Tax season is decidedly less fun than the holiday season, but the two times of the year do have one thing in common. Just like the holidays, tax season requires lots of preparation and planning, and if you want to be ready, you need to start early.

Why are we writing this article? It's not to spoil your holiday cheer, it's because we've seen what it's like when you're not prepared. We help people who fall behind on their taxes and owe the IRS tens of thousands of dollars in back taxes, and it's often because they simply failed to prepare and they procrastinate on their taxes.

If you do get in trouble with the IRS and they claim you owe $10,000 or more, reach out to our tax resolution firm and we’ll schedule a free, no-obligation confidential consultation to explain your options in full to permanently resolve your tax problem.

So if you don't want to end up owing the IRS a ton of money, Here are 10 ways to get ready for tax season and reduce your stress level as this annual ritual approaches.

#1 Organize your records.

Now is the time to drag out last year's tax return, pull out your most recent pay stub, and get organized before the season starts.

#2 Settle any back taxes you might owe.

If you have years of unfiled returns or have a tax issue for anything besides the current year, you should get this handled now, before the upcoming tax season. When April 15th comes around, your tax professional is likely swamped with returns and they'll pay less attention to your back tax debt. We recommend reaching out to a specialized tax relief firm like ours that handles complicated tax debt cases all year round.

#3 Defer bonuses and incentive pay.

If you're going to owe taxes, it might make sense to defer getting paid so you can lower your taxable income. If you can, you might want to defer any bonuses and incentive payments. You can also defer payments from retirement accounts and IRAs to save on current-year taxes.

#4 Look for additional deductions.

Now is the time to make those last-minute donations to charity, so start writing those checks and gathering up those household goods. Be sure to get a receipt and save your canceled checks so you can substantiate your charitable giving if a question should arise later.

#5 Expand your education.

Not only can taking a class to improve your business or career prospects and help you get ahead, but that additional education could also lower your tax bill. You might qualify for a generous tax credit or take a good tax deduction for investing in your future.

#6 Up your retirement savings.

The end of the year is the perfect time to increase your 401(k) contributions and make your annual IRA investment. Maxing out your 401(k) and IRA contributions is one of the best ways to reduce your tax bill while saving for the future.

#7 Sell your losers and let your winners run.

if you have substantial capital gains in your stock portfolio or crypto portfolio, selling your losers could lower your tax bill. You can use those losses to offset your capital gains and save money on your taxes.

#8 Estimate your income for tax planning.

You will not know the exact amount of income you received until all your documents are in, but you can estimate your compensation and start doing some advance tax planning. This can be key in preventing back tax debt since you won't be blindsided by a large tax bill come April 15th.

Tax season will be here before you know it, and now is the time to get ready. You do not have to wait until April to start your tax planning, and the sooner you get started, the sooner you can put this unpleasant task behind you.

Need Tax Relief?

If you want an expert tax resolution specialist who knows how to navigate the IRS maze, reach out to our firm and we’ll schedule a no-obligation confidential consultation to explain your options to permanently resolve your tax problem. 

Tips for Finding a Qualified Tax Resolution Firm

Given how high the stakes are, it is surprising how little thought many people give to their taxes. All too often, individuals simply walk into a neighborhood storefront, hand over their most personal information, and trust the person on the other side of the desk to do the right thing and prepare their taxes properly.

In many cases, that trust is well placed, and the individual preparing the taxes is indeed the honest and trustworthy professional they claim to be. In other cases, however, the trust is misplaced, and the tax preparer will end up making mistakes that could cost the individual a great deal. If an audit is triggered by deliberate misrepresentation or unintentional mistake, you will still be on the hook for any additional taxes, interest, and penalties.

If you’re in tax trouble because you trusted the wrong tax preparer, then you will need a qualified tax resolution firm to help you resolve your tax problem. However, you don’t want to repeat the same mistake twice! So it is important to do your homework and know what to look for in a tax resolution firm. Here are 4 quick tips to help you find a qualified tax resolution firm.

#1 Read Their Reviews Online

By reading online reviews you can quickly see if the tax resolution firm is reputable and stands by its clients. A lot of the big national firms will have terrible reviews but they market themselves heavily, so consumers don’t think twice about their reputation.

If you owe back taxes, waiting can cost you a lot of money and if the tax resolution firm disappears on you or doesn’t return your call, that wasted time could cost you dearly. This can easily be snuffed out by seeing if they have good online reviews about their services.

#2 Make Sure the Tax Resolution Firm Has Experience and A Proven Track Record

Negotiating with the IRS to settle your tax debt is a specialized skill that not all tax attorneys or tax professionals have. It’s important to ask about their recent case settlements and success stories. A true tax resolution professional will have proof they’ve done this before and successfully helped resolve back tax problems.

#3 What Does Their Communication Look Like Once You Sign-On?

A professional and experienced firm will have systems in place to make sure you’re updated regularly on your tax resolution case. The IRS moves slow and there will likely be big gaps in time in between updates from the IRS. That doesn’t mean the tax relief firm should also have gaps in communication.

Ask how long they think it’ll take to resolve your tax problem, and how you’ll be updated even if they don’t have any news from the IRS.

#4 Avoid Big National Firms With Salespeople Who Promise The Moon But Don’t Deliver

You’ve heard their ads on the radio or TV. If you call a big national firm you’ll likely get a salesperson who knows very little about taxes or how to settle your tax debt.

Not every taxpayer qualifies for all the IRS tax debt settlement programs. However, these salespeople will promise you the moon but will fail to deliver because they didn’t take the time to understand your specific situation and they’re not actually licensed tax resolution professionals.

Make sure to ask who will be responsible for your case and try to speak with them directly before signing up. A true tax resolution expert will be happy to speak with you to make sure they can understand your case and offer you the right solution.

Need Tax Relief?

If you want an expert tax resolution specialist who knows how to navigate the IRS maze, reach out to our firm and we’ll schedule a no-obligation confidential consultation to explain your options to permanently resolve your tax problem.

Four Common Tax Return Mistakes That Could Get You in Trouble with the IRS

4 Common Tax Return Mistakes That Could Get You in Trouble with the IRS

As the tax-filing season unfolds, many taxpayers are taking the bull by the horns and doing their own taxes. Though it may seem like good news for the individual taxpayer, it’s important to watch out for common tax filing mistakes. Tax preparation software makes some errors like addition and subtraction blunders less likely, but even the best software cannot eliminate all potential problems and human error.

If you are getting ready to file your tax return, be sure to take a second (or third) look before you hit send. Keeping a close eye out for these common tax filing mistakes is the best way to ensure the IRS does not come knocking at your door.

Note: If you do get in trouble with the IRS and they claim you owe $10,o00 or more, reach out to our tax resolution firm and we’ll schedule a free, no-obligation confidential consultation to explain your options in full to permanently resolve your tax problem.

That said, let's jump into the 4 common tax return mistakes that could land you in tax trouble.

#1. Transposed Numbers

If the 1099 you receive shows $6300 in income and you inadvertently enter $3600 instead, the IRS may see this as a tax dodge instead of an innocent mistake. At best, transposing numbers will slow down your refund and raise a red flag with the tax agency. At worst, it could trigger an audit or further examination of your entire return.

IRS computers are very good at comparing the figures taxpayers report to the ones they receive independently from banks, brokerage firms, and other agencies. Be sure to double-check and verify every number you enter and make sure it is right. Your tax software can tell you if your numbers do not add up, but they cannot catch transposed figures.

#2. Misspelled Names

It is easy to misspell a name or transpose a Social Security number when entering dependent information, but doing so could cause real problems with your return. Be sure to double-check the names, ages, and Social Security numbers of all your children before sending your return to the IRS.

Do not assume that all of that information will be transferred from a prior year's return.

#3. Missing Social Security Numbers

It is easy to forget this vital piece of information, and doing so could delay your return and cause long-lasting problems. You may assume that your tax prep software will automatically enter your Social Security number, but that does not always happen.

Be sure to give your Social Security number (and that of your spouse) one last look before filing your return. That last-minute check could save you a world of trouble later on.

#4. Not Reporting All Your Income or Taking Too Many Deductions

The IRS will likely get notified of income you received throughout the year, and it doesn’t just include your W2 wages. It’s important to keep track of all your income and report it to the IRS correctly to avoid any problems.

It can also be tempting to click a few extra boxes and input a few made-up numbers as deductions to bring your tax liability down. DO NOT DO THIS. Just because the software lets you do this, doesn’t mean you should.

It’s not the software's job to tell you whether or not you should be taking that extra deduction or write off, it’s the taxpayer's job, to be honest, and file their tax returns correctly.


If you made a mistake on your tax return and end up on the receiving end of an IRS notice, or if you have years of unfiled tax returns, reach out to our office. We’ll schedule a no-obligation confidential consultation to explain your options to permanently resolve your tax problem.

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What to Expect from Us When Resolving Your Tax Issue

In this video, CEO and founder of BPB Tax Resolutions, Ben Butterfield, discusses what to expect from BPB Tax Resolutions when resolving your tax debt, and how the process works.

Many tax payers who come to us for help want to know the following two things:

  1. Can you settle this for less than I owe?
  2. How long will the process take?

Here are our answers.

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Tax Resolution Rip-Offs to Avoid

In this video, CEO and founder of BPB Tax Resolutions, Ben Butterfield, discusses how to avoid 4 common tax resolution company rip offs.

Choosing a tax resolution professional isn't easy. You're bombarded with confusing claims, bad information, and near worthless solutions. How do you find a qualified, competent tax resolution specialist?

Start by watching this video.


Which Tax Records to Keep and For How Long. Do This And Avoid Tax Problems Later

Does the IRS Disagree with Your Income Figures? 7 Critical Steps to Take Next

It is one of the scariest things that can befall a taxpayer - the dreaded notice from the IRS stating you owe them more money you can’t pay. When you open up the mailbox and see the return address of the tax agency staring back at you, your heart is bound to skip a beat (or two).

Few people look forward to communicating with the IRS, but plenty of taxpayers receive these notices every year. If you do find yourself on the receiving end of such a notice, knowing what to do next could make all the difference, and possibly save your bank account. Here are seven critical steps to take if the IRS disagrees with the income (or expense) figures you have reported.

Note: If you fall behind on filing your taxes, you’re not alone and we can help. Reach out to our tax resolution firm and we’ll help you file late tax returns and negotiate with the IRS if you owe back taxes. 

1. Stop panicking. Getting a letter from the IRS is enough to send your heart racing, but it is not the end of the world, and panic will not help you. Staying calm and reviewing the communication will be key, so settle your nerves and move on to the next steps.

2. Review the document carefully. The letter you received from the IRS should clearly layout where they disagree with your figures and what they used to come up with their own math. Reviewing these figures is the critical next step, and it is one you should take your time with.

3. Pull a copy of the tax return in question. The communication you received from the IRS will tell you which year's tax return is in question, so pulling a copy of that return should be your next step. Once you have the document in hand you can start to review the figures and see where the discrepancies came from.

4. Find your supporting documents. In many cases these kinds of discrepancies are caused by simple errors like transposed numbers, so compare the figures on the supporting documents to what ended up on your return. You may find, for instance, that you reported interest of $2,150 as $1,250, and the solution could be as simple as ponying up the extra tax.

5. Contact the best tax resolution firm. If you used a professional tax preparer, you might be tempted to talk to them first. That might be ok, but if you owe a large amount of back taxes, they might not be able to help. That’s where a good tax relief or tax resolution firm can help. The best tax relief firms can actually negotiate on your behalf with the IRS and find the best resolution for your tax situation, sometimes settling for less than what you owe in taxes!

6. Review the response form. If you did make a mistake on your tax return, you can simply agree to the figures the IRS reported and pay the additional tax, along with any applicable penalties and interest. If you disagree, you can respond with the supporting documents that prove your case. Either way, you will need to use the response form included with the letter, so review and complete that form carefully. We don’t suggest you do this yourself, instead, call our tax relief firm and make sure you investigate the issue in its entirety. Otherwise, you could land yourself in more trouble.

7. Follow up. It can take some time for these kinds of discrepancies to be resolved, so you will need to bring a healthy dose of patience. If you agree with the notice and choose to pay the extra tax, you can see when your check is cashed or the money is taken out of your account, documenting the situation and keeping careful records. If you disagree, you will need to wait for the IRS to respond, but make sure you don’t assume the issue is resolved unless you have documentation stating that.

If you do need to contact the IRS, keep in mind that their phone lines are extremely busy. Many people who have been through this trauma recommend calling early in the morning, right after the phone lines open, so you can get in line and get your questions answered before the lines fill up.

We NEVER suggest our clients try to contact the IRS on their own. It would be like going to court without a lawyer. The IRS is not your friend, they’re sole responsibility in these cases is to collect taxes they think they’re owed.

Hopefully, you will never be on the receiving end of a nasty letter from the IRS but it is still important to be prepared. If you do find a letter from the IRS in your mailbox, following the seven critical steps listed above could save you from further trouble.
Reach out to our tax resolution firm and we’ll schedule a free, no-obligation confidential consultation to explain your options in full to permanently resolve your tax problem.

Does the IRS Disagree with Your Income Figures? 7 Critical Steps to Take Next

Which Tax Records to Keep and For How Long. Do This And Avoid Tax Problems Later.

Whether you are expecting a nice tax refund or preparing to write a big scary check, you know that April 15 is the annual tax filing deadline. What you may not know, however, is that tax day is every day at the IRS, and the tax agency is always reviewing the information taxpayers and business owners have provided.

That means that keeping tax records is about more than just smart bookkeeping - it is an integral form of self-protection. You see, millions of Americans get letters from the IRS stating they owe back taxes or requesting more information about their tax returns.

It may be disconcerting, but the IRS has the right to request additional information months, or even years, after the return you filed has supposedly been processed and accepted. In fact, the much-feared tax agency can request additional documentation for up to three years after the annual tax deadline has come and gone.

We help people resolve their back tax problems and often settle with the IRS for less than the amount they owe, but in order to do this, we need to provide the right records. That's where having your tax records saved can be the difference between settling your tax debt or not.

As a result, it is important to retain your tax records and keep certain tax documents on hand, just in case the IRS asks for them. Here are the most common tax records and how long you should keep them around.

If you owe back taxes, our firm can help negotiate with the IRS and potentially settle your tax debt. Call us today. Our tax resolution specialists can navigate the IRS maze so that you have nothing to worry about.

Save The Tax Returns Themselves

In most cases the IRS will have up to three years to question the figures you reported on your tax return, or otherwise challenge the information you provided. You may think the tax year is over, but for the IRS the final curtain does not fall for a full 36 months.

For this reason, it is generally a good idea to keep your old tax returns for a minimum of three years. You do not necessarily have to print and retain hard copies of your tax returns - electronic documents are fine as long as you will be able to access them quickly should you need them.

If you fail to keep copies of your tax returns, you can still access them by asking the IRS for transcripts. It is best to keep your own records, and doing so will make your life a lot easier.

Pay Stubs and W2 Forms

As with the tax returns themselves, it is generally a good idea to keep your W2 forms for a minimum of three years. This will provide you with the documentation you need should the IRS find a discrepancy between the amount of income you reported to the agency and the figures your employer-provided.

It is also a good idea to retain at least your year-end pay stubs, not only to help reconcile them with the W2 forms but also for other forms of income documentation. If you are applying for a mortgage, for instance, the lender may ask to see several years worth of tax returns, pay stubs, and other income documents, and having them on hand will make the application process faster and easier.

Income and Dividend Forms

The IRS looks at all of the income you report when you complete and submit your tax returns, but the agency does not just take your word for the accuracy of those figures. Instead, the IRS uses sophisticated matching programs to compare the amount of income you reported from various sources with what they receive from third-party sources.

Those third-party sources could include your bank and credit union, your brokerage firms and mutual fund companies, and any other places that provide you with income. It is therefore a good idea to hold onto any income-related forms you receive for at least three years, and possibly longer if you run your own business or earn income from gig work or freelancing.

Once again, these income documents can do double duty, serving as a backup if the IRS questions the numbers on your tax return but also giving you the information lenders and others might need down the road. If you store these documents electronically you will not even need to worry about buying a file cabinet, so there is really no reason to not keep them around.

Filing taxes can be a stressful experience, but the difficulty does not end when you click send on your e-filed tax return. Even after that return has been filed and accepted, the IRS could still question or challenge your numbers, and that is why it is so important to retain the backup documentation until the challenge window has passed. Now that you know what to retain and for how long, you can rest a little easier when tax time rolls around.

If you do run into tax trouble or the IRS states you owe back taxes, reach out to our tax resolution firm and we’ll schedule a free, no-obligation confidential consultation to explain your options in full to permanently resolve your tax problem. 

Key Things to Look for in a Tax Relief Firm

Key Things to Look for in a Tax Relief Firm

No one wants to be on the bad side of the IRS, yet that is where millions of taxpayers find themselves each and every year. As enforcement efforts ramp up at the IRS, the number of letters and communications landing in mailboxes is continuing to increase and one of them could land in your mailbox.

If you do receive a notice from the IRS, it is important to act fast, especially if you cannot afford to pay what the IRS says you owe. You may be tempted to do nothing or ignore the situation, but every day you wait will just make an already bad situation that much worse.

The good news is you may not have to pay what the IRS says you owe! There are a number of programs designed to give taxpayers relief, in many cases allowing them to settle their tax debts for much less. But before you can enjoy that financial relief, you need to find the right partner, and here are some key things to look for.

The Right Tax Relief and IRS Negotiation Experience.

When you hire a tax relief firm, you will be hiring a team of experts, and it is important that the person who works on your case will be up to the task. It is important to look for specific areas of expertise, including former IRS agents, attorneys and others who can help you negotiate with the IRS on your behalf.

The best tax relief agencies are not necessarily huge firms; some of the best are small operators with extensive experience. But no matter what the size of the firm, the tax resolution expertise of the person working on your case is what matters the most.

Compassion and Understanding

Dealing with the IRS is not just a financial problem; it is an emotional one as well. Getting a letter from the IRS is bound to be an upsetting and unsettling experience, and working with a compassionate and caring tax relief firm can help a lot.

You should not, of course, sacrifice expertise and capability for compassion, but there is no reason you cannot have the best of both worlds. Look for someone who cares about you and your situation as you interview tax relief firms and choose the one you feel best about working with.

Recent IRS Negotiation Success Stories

The IRS is a huge agency, and the tax code is endlessly complex. That enormous complexity and ever-growing structure mean that past experience may no longer be relevant, so look for recent experience with the IRS in the form of testimonials and case studies.

Chances are if they have good “wins” under their belt, they know what they’re doing and they can get you a favorable outcome. Working with these experts can give you peace of mind and make it easier for you to resolve your tax problem.

Getting a letter from the IRS can be a scary experience, but it does not have to be the end of the world. You do not have to suffer financial devastation or go bankrupt to settle the debt you owe. Now that you know how to find a great tax relief partner, you no longer have to live in fear of your next trip to the mailbox.

Reach out to our tax resolution firm and we’ll schedule a free, no-obligation confidential consultation to explain your options in full to permanently resolve your tax problem.