Don’t Deal With The IRS On Your Own!

In this video, CEO and founder of BPB Tax Resolutions discusses your rights as a taxpayer. He dives into your right to retain representation, what it is, why it’s important, and how to take full advantage of this power. The IRS communicates your rights as a taxpayer through the publication 1. Item #9 on the taxpayer bill of rights states that you can hire an authorized representative to represent you if you have any sort of tax issue.

An authorized representative can be a lawyer, CPA, or enrolled an agent. Your typical tax payer cannot represent you unless they are in good standing with one of these credentials. The best thing you can do when you have a tax issue is to hire a professional to speak on your behalf. Sometimes, tax issues can become worse if you try to deal with the IRS directly. Because of this, it’s very important that you have a certified tax resolution specialist involved as early as possible.

When you want to to obtain representation, be sure to find a reputable firm to discuss your tax situation with. That firm will have you fill out a form that grants them power of attorney. This power of attorney is limited to dealing with tax matters to the IRS. The representative listed on the form presents the power of attorney form to the IRS and steps into your shoes as a taxpayer to negotiate the desired outcome.

After the tax matter is resolved, the authorized representative will revoke power of attorney. It’s very important to ensure that the representative has done this before ending your engagement with the authorized representative.

If you have a challenging tax situation that you’re trying to deal with on your own, make sure to contact BPB Tax Resolutions.