Success Stories
Tax Resolution Success Stories
Real stories from people just like you
"I am a college student and recently received a notice from the IRS about unpaid taxes. Not knowing much about tax returns I was terrified. BPB Tax Services explained how I had made a small mistake on my return and helped me with the correction. They were even able to get my penalty removed. It is very comforting to know that a professional like Ben is on my side when I need help."
Emma D.

College Student

"Their professionalism and ability to explain things in a manner we could understand was extremely helpful."
Business Manager

St. Philip Neri School

"BPB Tax Resolutions is professional, quick and very easy to work with!"
Patricia B.

Bramhall & Munch Law Firm

Very professional, reliable, thorough, and timely. They have great knowledge and experience with tax law and are able to communicate in a way to help you understand. They've helped me with my taxes for a number of years and I have never had any issue. Would highly recommend to any and all of those who need assistance with their taxes! Especially if you feel your tax situation is complicated.
Zachary D.
Ben and BPB Tax Resolutions did a great job! They contacted the *** on my behalf, investigated and found past tax issues and ultimately advised me how to handle my past issues. Thanks Ben!
David F.
We know how stressful tax problems can be. Talk to us. We're ready to help.
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